Discover the brand new IDareU social network that develops your potential through fun and connectivity with Mentors.IDAREU IS A SOCIAL APPLICATION TO DEVELOP THE PASSION AND TALENTS OF USERS,We engage people and connect them with passion, hobbies or the same interests.IDareU encourages and motivates you to act instead of passively observing the content.The user can publish challenges as text, image, video or live broadcast in the final version of the application, in 18 different categories and many subcategories.The User may participate in Mentor challenges or from another User.KNOWLEDGE, GOALS AND MENTORSAt some point in our passions it is difficult to develop without additional support.We need a group with similar interests, Mentors who will set our goals higher and show us how to achieve them. IDareU is knowledge that facilitates development.IDAREU COMBINES VIRTUAL AND REAL LIFE IN ONE.Lots of people enjoy real-world activities like sports or hobbies, but also virtual activities like gaming or creating information on social media. IDareU connects both worlds. Through its on-line platform, it allows people to develop and share real-world achievements. IDareU engages people and connects them with passion, hobbies and interests. In the current version of the platform we have two categories that run the platform: chess and wingsuiting. We are currently training the remaining categories in order to activate and select Mentors.